Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tiny Horned Toad

     When I was growing up in the hill country I remember seeing horned toads all over the place. I never realized that it had been so long since I had seen one until I moved to west Texas. I now wonder when they began to disappear from the areas I grew up with. I am sure you can find one here and there but they are few and far between. In Bertram I remember seeing them quite a bit but after I moved an hour or so away I never saw any. Now looking back on it I realize that even visits back to that small hill country town did not produce any horned toad viewing.
      Since we have moved here we have seen several horned toads. Stephen came to me with the most adorable thing I had ever seen so I snapped these pictures just to let you know that in west Texas they still thrive.


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