Thursday, August 9, 2012

Creating A Bucket List

    Our move was all about changing our lives for the better and living it to the fullest. We decided one of the things we would do is make a bucket list of the things we want to do. No matter what we will do the things on our list and every time we find something new we would like to do, it will be added to the list.

     This is the beginning of our bucket list.... 
                                some ideas are mine alone and others we share

Caverns of Sonora     
McDonald Observatory   
El Paso Zoo
Lake Balahmorea     
Auto Museum in Ozona    
Fort Davis
Guadalupe Mountains National Park    
Fish the Pecos River
Hueco Tanks S.P.  
Fish Llano River in Junction
Friends of the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
Grand Canyon
Visit Indian Hot Springs
Glacier National Park 
Dry Tortugas National Park   
Bryce Canyon
Sea of Cortez   
Fish the Rio Grande 
Big Bend State Park
Fort Jefferson National Monument
Exmoor National Park
Carlsbad Caverns  
Trout fishing in New Mexico 
Catch Apache Trout in Arizona
Old Spanish Missions   
Palo Dura Canyon S.P. 
Hot Air Balloon Festival
Grindstone Lake      
Fredricksburg with friends 
Chihuahuan Desert Research Center
Elephant Butte S.P.    
Museum of Science & History 
Farm & Ranch Museum
Eat something new    
Find a restaurant in the country
Capture an amazing image
Franklin Mountains S.P. 
Chase a tornado 
Jasper National Park   
Travel to all 50 states  
Snow skiing in Cloudcroft   
Cover border wars
Arches National Park  
Sequoio National Park  
Mount Carmel
Make clean water available to everyone, everywhere 
Deep Sea Fishing  
Water Skiing  
Ghosthunting in Scotland
Bear hunting   
Dance with Indians  
Haleakala National Park
Mount Reynols    
Mount Rushmore
Throw some money away at a casino  
The Alps
Dolphin Tour
Big Bend Brewery
Climb Dunes at Monohans Sandhill State Park
Watch seaturtles nest at Padre Island National Seashore
Watch icecream being made at Blue Bell
Hamilton Pool
Brewery in Shiner, Texas
Tour wineries in Fredricksburg
The Rocky Mountains 
Planet Marfa in Marfa, Texas
Hang Gliding  
Scuba Diving
Truth or Consequences New Mexico 
Petroglyph National Monument 

Great Sand Dunes National Park
Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge
Work for a newspaper
Niagra Falls      
New Zealand  
Zion National Park
Buy land in New Mexico
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Denali National Park   
Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Pueblo Bonito  
Pueblo del Arroyo  
Chaco Observatory
Poor Whiskey on John Wesley Hardings Grave in El Paso 
Look at Aluminum Boxes in Marfa
Buy land in Colorado
Eat Mexican Food at H&H car wash in El Paso   
Go to Devil's River Pool
Attend a Classic High School Football Game (6) man    
See Marfa Lights 
Read First Chapter of Los Diabajo in El Paso at Pablo Baray Apartments
Snag PicNic Table at Railroad Blues in Alpine (Listen to Politicians argue there)
Take Photograph at Prada Store in Marfa                              
As we complete something from our list we will cross it off here. If it is crossed off there will be a blog for it or one will be coming soon.

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