Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Final Move

     Everything was set to take the final load to our new home. We had just a bit of packing left to do and suddenly we both got sick. We were so sick with whatever it was that we could hardly get out of bed. We had paid Stephen's mom to do the final cleaning but when we got sick, she did more than we ever expected. She came over every day, for three days, and cleaned, packed, and helped load the truck and trailer. I don't know what we would have done without her. When she wasn't caring for the house, she was doctoring us and cooking our meals. After everything was finished and we were on the road with our final load, she got sick. I felt so bad after all she had done for us and we could not do the same for her.
      The shop was enclosed and everything had to be unloaded into it. We were still weak from whatever had knocked us down. Stephen's brother, David, had come with us on this trip. He had pulled Stephen's truck as well as hauling a load in the back of his own. It was his first time seeing our place nestled in the mountains. We were glad he came along to help unload and spend some time out on the land.
      The house was not finished but at least it was dried in and had a roof on it. We knew that we would have our work cut out for us. I think my least favorite part was the fact that we had to use a compost toilet. I was told that this was the norm for the area but I wanted inside plumbing. We went to the county to see what regulations were for the installation of septic systems but, other than the certificate of compliance- which we already had, there was nothing more we needed to do. So, this was my most important goal!
      Our first week living full time at our new place we encountered our first wildlife neighbor. He wasn't exactly happy to see us there. I was willing to be neighborly but he just wanted to have things his way. So, Stephen and Mr. Mohave did not see eye to eye- resulting in the death of Mr. Mohave (a fictional character; not referncing any specific person with said last name).
       I was glad that Stephen saw the snake before my little dog, Baby, walked by and got bit. Baby loves it out west. He jumps around and runs in circles when he gets to walk on the road. Baby is a mix between a papallon and a chihuahua. He weighs just a few ounces over five pounds. This was a warning that I needed to stay close to my little dog when it is outside and that the desert is definitely a wild place; not to be taken for granted.

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