Friday, October 26, 2012


     After our trip to Indian Hot Springs I realized that we really need a 4 wheel drive. We went in search of one even though Stephen said he was going to make his truck into a dunebuggy. We found a great 4 wheel drive in El Paso and so far we have found that the ride is much smoother when traveling on dirt roads.
     Everything has been going well at the ranch and the work on the patio is coming along well. I have layed enough rock to cover a 12x16 foot area but still need to make the patio another 24 feet long. We bought shelving for our kitchen today and it is going to give us a lot more storage space so we are pretty excited. We will try to get it put in tomorrow.
     There has been a lot of movement on the ranch lately. The cooler temperatures probably have something to do with that. Last week I thought I saw a small black bear on the road near the ranch and I asked a friend about bears in the area. He said that there are a few sightings but it is rare. A couple nights ago the dogs were barking like crazy but when we went out to investigate we didn't find anything. The next morning we found a set of tracks but could not identify them. After showing them to a friend who bear hunts he said he thought they were from a bear cub. Here is a picture of them.

      Area football teams have been supporting cancer awareness by wearing pink. I have watched team after team wear pink. Some of the players wear pink wrist bands, some wear pink knee pads, and my favorite is the knee high pink socks worn by Ft. Hancock Varsity players on their "Tough Enough to Wear Pink" night.

      The cutest thing happened to me a couple days ago while working. A little girl, about 6 or 7, asked if I was the newspaper lady. I said that I was and she asked if I was writing about the volley ball game. I told her that I was. She said that she wants to be like me and do what I do when she grows up. I hope she gets to because she was very verbal during the game and knew everything that was going on. She told me everytime they scored a serving point or what happened when they didn't. Very cute!

      I have a very busy week ahead of me but I will try to keep my blog updated....


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