Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Franklin Mountain State Park

   A few months ago we went to the Franklin Mountains State Park. I meant to blog about it earlier but it is an experience you won't forget.
   We decided to take the 1.2 mile round trip hike to the Aztec Caves. It stated that it was a moderate hike and good for small children. The hike started out with ease and then began to become more active. There were hills that went up and down with some steps built in. We were surprised that they had this trail set as good for small children because some of the built in steps were so high up that I could barely get my toes up to the step and then Stephen would have to pull me up. The trail began to turn to a straight up climb.
   I began to think I would not make it to the caves. It was a lot tougher than I thought it would be and I kept thinking about those poor parents who thought they could make this hike with their children. I could just imagine them having to carry them the last half of the hike which was almost all up hill or mountain.... and the steps were huge and almost unreachable especially for short legs.
   I kept the goal in mind. It was over 100 degrees outside but I knew a cool relaxing rest awaited me in the cave above. I was on the verge of tears at some point feeling that I wouldn't make it. I had to go off trail to find a way around a step that was over two feet high. Rocks slipped under my feet and rolled down the hill. We rested a few times in the only small shaded areas we could find. There are several benches along the trail but most are not shaded. There is an area that is covered for picnics.
   The climb to the top took us over an hour. I finally reached the top and felt success. I can't imagine how the Aztecs climbed it every day(without the trails). The view was amazing and the temperature inside the cave was probably in the 60s. There were some drawings in the cave that I am sure were not true Aztec drawings. There were two different sections. It smelled like fresh dirt and maybe mushrooms... a real musky smell but not overbearing. I was so glad that I made it to the top and got to see it and be where the Aztecs had.



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