Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My First Job in Media

     I have been blessed because I went into a small shop in Sierra Blanca where I met a woman who seemed very curious about the new people in town. She asked us many questions about our lives, family, and where we came from. She then asked what we do for a living. We told her about our travels with Stephen's job and that I was currently a journalism student. She told me that I should consider writing for the newspaper. She said that she saw an opening, in the paper, that I should call about.
     I thought about it for a week or so and tossed the idea around. Stephen and I discussed whether or not it would work with his job and our travels but finally decided that it was just a phone call and didn't even guarantee a job so why did it matter. So, when we returned from another week in Sonora, I called the paper and talked to Drew. I told him that I was majoring in journalism and had not finished my degree but I thought the experience would really help me. I also told him that I was a photographer and I would like to be considered for my photographs. We decided to get together at a later date and I sent him a link to this blog so he could review some of my work. We went out of town for another week but I sent in some of my work for him to view.
     Upon return to Sierra Blanca I called Drew to see if I could come in to meet with him. After the meeting I was sure that I was hired. He gave me a few stories to cover and asked me to make some changes to one of the stories I sent in for his review. The next week I emailed him my work along with some images. On Friday, my first works came out in print in the Hudspeth County Herald. I was very excited and consider myself to be very lucky that he has given me this opportunity. I have been with the paper for a few months now and I love it. I strive for improvement in my sports stories.
      At first, everyone just called me the newspaper lady but now they know my name. They tell me all the time how much they love my work and appreciate me being here. I hope that I can be a part of this paper for a long time, the one that gave me my chance!

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