Thursday, August 30, 2018

Youth Archery Camp

    E.A. Archery held a youth archery camp for kids. We worked with the local 4-H to give the kids a great learning experience. We had over 20 participants in our rural area. The kids ranged from ages 3 to 16 and were mostly girls. The camp started off with a history lesson, allowing the kids to see the importance that archery has had in the lives of our forefathers and even today. They also learned about bow safety and the components of bows and arrows. Students learned to identify their dominant eye for better performance and they received one on one instruction.
    Border Patrol agent Garrett Dunning (also one of our staff shooters) was there to assist in teaching. We all had a part. I got the privilege of teaching the history of archery. They all earned a certificate for completing the course and the top shooters were awarded T-Shirts.
     The kids really enjoyed it and it was a great experience for us as well. We are thinking this will be a great camp to do each year. We would also like to create a youth survival camp as well.



(sorry I have not posted for so long, this is the post I started way back when.)

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