Thursday, September 13, 2012

Muddy Buddy Mud Run

    Last weekend we went to the Muddy Buddy Mud Run which was a fundraiser for the Explorer's program for Border Patrol. The day started out pretty cold considering what was going to be happening at the event. It was about 62 degrees and people were going to be running an obstacle course that lead them through the mud and water.
    The course was long and hard. Men, women and children teamed up to run the course. First exchanging piggy back rides between the team members, then jumping over a series of tubes, running across twisting railroad ties, and then around a fence. Once they got to that point they had to crawl on their hands and knees through a tunnel, run for a wall of tires, climb through, and then work their legs through a series of tires on the ground. At the end of the tires they crawl through another tire wall and sprint to a tunnel they again must crawl through. Then they propel themselves over a wall and then climb over a wall of dirt, balance over a mud pit on thin beams, swing across another mud pit by a rope and then climb over another dirt wall. Once over the wall they run down a twisting, winding road to an open field where they must climb over a hay stack 10 feet high, a trailer of hay, once again over the trailer of hay and then one more 10 foot stack of hay. This put them in the home stretch where they then run across a metal bridge and then dive into a pit of mud and water that has ribbons just inches overhead. They must crawl under the ribbons, climb out of the pit and run for the finish line.
     People ran the course over and over again. It turned out to be a beautiful day. I think I had just as much fun taking pictures as they did getting me muddy!

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