Monday, October 15, 2012

Indian Hot Springs

    About a month ago a friend of ours invited us out to Indian Hot Springs. We headed out and soon found that my truck would never make it. We knew we would need to take the S-10 or end up stuck or having to deal with flat tires so we turned my Quad Cab around and decided to make the trip at a later date.
    Last Friday night we were at the game and David told us we should definitely make the trip out to see him. So Stephen decided that since it was on our bucket list and we had just helped move his parents here that we should make a day of it and take them out to see it.
     Yesterday, just after noon, we loaded up in the S-10... Stephen driving with his dad by his side and Virginia and I in the back, and we headed to Indian Hot Springs. We knew the road was rough because we had made the previous attempt but sitting in the back you had a full view of just how rough it was. Some places were just wide enough to get through with the small truck.... 500 foot drop offs on each side. In other areas the road was washed out leaving huge gaps or rocks that tried to tear the truck apart.
     The views were amazing and as Virginia sat beside me praying for God to keep us from going over the cliffs, I took pictures of wild horses, rugged mountains, and rough roads. The closest thing I could compare it to would be Colorado when I was little but I think this was probably much more beautiful and treacherous.
     Once we arrived at the ranch David took us for a ride in the jeep. I was like a child standing in the back, loving every minute of it. He showed us the graves of the Buffalo Soldiers and all of the Hot Springs and I, of course, had to put my hands in them. The water was warm and made me want to just jump right in. He also told us about the history of Indian Hot Springs.
     Then we went down to the river to fish at Mayfield Canyon. It was awesome and the canyon walls were monstrous. We got to mark two things off our bucket list since we fished in the Rio Grande. It was almost as if fate had taken them to that spot because it is a place that very few get to see and since it is private land, even fewer will see it now. The lands there are so wild and adventurous. We were blessed to even be there.
     The strangest thing about the trip was a picture I found after loading them from our trip. Everyone kept talking about how much Jay would have loved to make the trip and I kept saying that I was sure he was there with us. In the end I found a picture that makes me believe that he was. It looks like a wooden cross but there were no wooden crosses that I saw and it seems to be close to us. I never noticed anything when taking the pictures and I have several angles of the same shot and only this one has a cross in it. Virginia says it is from all the praying that we wouldn't die but I feel that Grandpa was there. I will ask David if he has ever seen one there, next time I see him.
      I almost forgot one of the best parts (funny coincidence too) David's daughter told me that there is a Chupacabra living out there. I told her that if they catch it they can set it free on our ranch where it will feel at home!

                   Pictures from the journey in....


Pictures once we arrived.....



Pictures going out....


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