Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Purchase

     I have always wanted some land in West Texas. For the past ten years I have tried everything to get Stephen to agree to buy at least 5 acres out there. He always said no. This past year he finally agreed to getting "a couple acres" out west. I found a twenty-two acre parcel through a land company and convinced him that twenty-two acres was not too much. I purchased the land and made an agreement with the company that we could switch parcels if for some reason we felt another was a better fit for us. Once everything was agreed to and the contracts were all complete, we decided to take a joy ride to check out our new property. Eight hours, in a car, later and we had arrived. The land was beautiful and full of life... hidden in a valley; in the mountains of the Chihuahuan Desert. We spent the weekend camping out and enjoying the peaceful quiet the desert has to offer. By nightfall we had purchased an additional eight, twenty-two acre parcels.

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