Thursday, September 17, 2020

Another Long Gap in Blogging

    Hello everyone. I am sorry it has been so long since I have posted. Life is busy now. We spend a lot of time traveling and with our grandchildren. That's probably a strange concept to most of you because until the last post you didn't even know we had any. So I will try to catch you up and keep you caught up this time.
    So we now have eight grandchildren. Our youngest daughter just had our second granddaughter a year ago. Yes, that means six grandsons. We see three of our grandchildren more than others because they live next door to us. We try to spend a lot of time with them all but with one grandson in Florida and the other grandchildren in Sierra Blanca it can be a bit hard. We get to Sierra Blanca much more often. 

   Last year we went to Florida and took care of our grandson, Killian, for the week while his parents went to Cabo, Mexico. He is so much fun and full of energy. He really loves his Papa. 
    We would like to go see him for Christmas this year but we aren't sure about the time off work yet as Stephen is starting a new job. We have not spent a holiday with our oldest son since he moved out of state when he was 18. I don't believe that his wedding counts. He really misses that family holiday feel he remembers from his childhood. 
(More like the food I bet.)

    Stephen had a heart attack about a year ago and he is now on blood pressure medication. He should have been taking it long ago but he had a terrible doctor. She kept telling him he had high blood pressure and he would ask if he needed to be on medication. She said, "No, just lose some weight." His family history alone should have screamed blood pressure medication. His Grandfather had a heart attack in his 40s and his Dad has had heart problems since his 40s and has had numerous heart surgeries and now has a pace maker. 
    Now enjoying life is more important than ever and working is starting to take a backseat to our priorities. We are working on paying off all of our debt so we can just be free. Stephen decided to buy into a time share. Eek right? It actually hasn't been too bad. We keep the best benefits and use them more and we get more out of it. It's also not one of those things where you sign up for a specific time and only can use it for that week at a specific resort. We can use it at thousands of locations and we can even share it with friends and family. We put our friends in a five star resort for a wedding gift. It cost us absolutely nothing. We can use a program we pay a little extra for to get huge discounts at other places so we have put our children up during travels at a moments notice. It's great. Last month we went to New Orleans, Louisiana and stayed in the French Quarter. It cost us less than $200 for the entire stay and that was food and travel expense for five days.

       Just across the Texas/Louisiana border is Holly Beach. It's such a pretty place especially in the early mornings. We enjoyed a stroll on the beach just a few days before Hurricane Laura moved in. I am not sure what it looks like now but I know the eye came very close to this treasured spot. 
      Just a few days after returning to Texas I was working at a city run shelter in San Antonio with the American Red Cross. It was so sad to hear all the stories of people in the shelter who lost their homes and had no idea where their families were. (Not actually a shelter...due to Covid-19 everyone was in Hotel rooms) 
      It was so hard to not be able to comfort them with hugs like we always did before. Everyone had to wear masks and social distance. Children don't understand these things. It's so hard on them. The shelters were run by the City so we were actually just there to provide food for the people staying there. My shelter (Hotel) closed so I am now working on other things but I know due to Hurricane Sally I will most likely be back again this week. 
      We have been spending a lot of time outdoors and with our grandchildren. We are an outside kind of family. Stephen has been teaching our oldest granddaughter how to fly fish. She is getting so good and holds the rod just like her Papa. She is six years old. We are teaching all of them to fish but she was really interested in fly fishing. We are both good at teaching all sorts of things so we encourage the kids to learn whatever they can and try to show them new things. 


          My oldest grandson is interested in all types of rocks, minerals and crystals so any time we go anywhere I look for things I can bring back to him. Now some of the other grandchildren are looking for rocks for him too. They want him to have a nice collection. Sometimes Chase (pictured above left) will find a piece of quartz or a nice stone and he will say, "This one's mine." That means he's not sharing. 
         We are hoping next week to get out to Sierra Blanca to see my parents, daughter, son-in-law and other grandchildren. I haven't seen them since July. We have been stuccoing the house out there so we have to complete that. We are just waiting for it to cool off a bit. Now is going to be great weather out there. 
         We had also been there in May for my youngest granddaughters' first birthday. She is adorable. I can't wait to get out to see them. We are going to take my oldest grandson for the summer next year. He is an inside game type of kid so we will see how much crying, begging and pleading he does. We are taking him camping and no electronics are allowed. It will be good for him to really explore the world around him. 

    In the meantime, I am missing their cute little faces. Addison is adorable. When we told Luna she would no longer be the only granddaughter we were on our way back from a camping trip with her. It was just her Papa and I with her and she cried all the way home (2 hours). It was a very hard thing for her. She kept saying, "I'm the only granddaughter."
     They have not met but I know she will love her little cousin. Until then I keep showing her pictures and telling her all about her so she will be ready when they meet. 
      Addison is afraid of us since we never see her so it's so hard to get her to come to us. By the time she gets used to us we are leaving again. (sad face) Someday we will retire at our property there and we will be around her more but that is probably when she will be a teenager who doesn't need us to teach her a thing because she will already know it all. 
       She is going to be well taken care of. She has three older brothers. She will grow up tough and well protected. If she needs to protect herself she can after being beat up by her older brothers for the first few years of her life I am sure she will learn some moves of her own. 

        Matthew is already protecting her (at least he was when I saw them last). I think he looks more like her than any of her other brothers. They have the same eyes and cute noses. He is the middle brother and loves to wear beanies. Each of them, even at such young ages, have their own personalities. I love to see how that develops into something great. Matthew hardly talked the first few years of his life. I guess he just had nothing to say. Most of my grandbabies are talkers so I guess he just felt they should say what they needed to and he would talk when something important came up, like food.

         They all keep their parents on their toes. My youngest daughter has four children and three of them are boys. She stays busy. 
         My oldest son and youngest daughter are twins but they raise their children in such different ways. Of course, my son only has one child so it's easier to chase him around than four. My oldest daughter and her husband have chosen not to have children. They may change their mind someday but with the world getting worse I understand the concerns they have. I have granddogs though and they love me. Maybe I will get some pictures of them to show you later. 
         Since we moved here we have built a tiny house and are living the tiny house life. Our house in Sierra Blanca is also a tiny house and is off the grid but this house isn't. It is a cute cozy little place and we enjoy it. We did make it a bit larger than originally planned.
          Our dogs also have a tiny house with a tiny yard of their own for when they are not in the house visiting with us. Their house has an air conditioner since we are in south Texas where temperatures reach over 115 degrees. They are spoiled but all of the kids are grown and out on their own so we need to make someone or something rotten. 

This post is getting a bit long and I don't want to bore you after not posting for so long. Please watch for posts to come and to see lots of pictures of my journey please visit my Instagram page at